The Change You Seek Wants to Happen


It is part of our genetic makeup as human beings to evolve. 

I am sure you can sense it - the part of you that wants to grow.

You even finding your way to this website is evidence of this striving. 

But I know sometimes it is difficult to trust that you are making the right decisions.

How can we ever know for sure if we are truly on the right path?

Well, here’s the thing I want you to know.

Within each of us, there is a predisposed tendency to go toward that which will help us grow.

This natural striving is a drive toward wholeness and toward healing.

It is literally wired in.

It is why we choose our partners and why we choose our friends.

It is why you find yourself hitting up against the same challenges again and again.

Or feeling the same feelings over and over….and over again.

This repetition is part of the growth process so please do not be discouraged.

The challenges in our lives - and in our relationships - are exactly what we need to transform.

To meet these challenges, we must develop ourselves. And to develop, we must give our experience the attention it needs in an environment that supports our growth.

I share this with you so that you will know:

You are never alone on this journey. You have a constant companion.

A powerful drive within you - to heal and to become - that is always with you, always choosing, always deciding, and always moving you in the direction of your potential.

So keep going.

Try to trust the process.

Try to trust your path.

Try to see your life as a story - one of survival, development, and transformation.


Boundaries Do Not Hurt People